Why all the hype? Nobody has seen Universe like this before on this earth
See the main pictures released and a quick explanation of why they are meaningful. Plus, learn a little about why I love Space.
Turning Science Fiction into Science with a 10 billion dollar telescope
Nobody has seen the universe like this before; space exploration comes in different phases and takes different paths. Anybody that truly knows me knows that I am obsessed with turning science fiction into science with technology, data, and the new field of new space. I co-founded the Irvine CubeSat STEM Program (ICSP) six years ago with Dr. Brent Freeze, my neighbor. See our 1st CubeSat launch into Space below; our mission was to simply “Beep” in Space and recognize we are in low earth orbit. Our other milestones were to take pictures of the sky and earth and send them back to our Ground Station below via radio frequency. Deploy solar panels and obtain solar power through our solar arrays and power IRVINE01. Plus, use the Accion-System propulsion system to move the spacecraft in Space.
Our goal is to teach, train and inspire the next generation of unique humans. ICSP involves students from six high schools in Irvine, California, and our main objective is to assemble, test, program, and launch a CubeSat into low Earth orbit. We have sent two Nano-Satellites into space already with Rocketlab, SpaceX, and NASA. In addition, we work with the top leaders in the New Space, like RocketLab, Accion-Systems, Maverik, MIT, Cal Poly SLO, and EXA from Ecuador. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irvine_CubeSat_STEM_Program
Our mission is to use a Nano-Satellite (CubeSat) as literally and figuratively as a vehicle so that the First Generation of Digital Native Youths can be ready to on the workforce straight from High School. Then, they can continue to work and study during college to be leaders and thinkers in any aerospace company they work for or co-found as Astropenuers. Or better yet, they know that they don’t want to get into this field, and now they can focus on all the fantastic future paths that are in need, ethics, law, and possibly create a new area in the study and work in the future.
CARINA NEBULA — Cosmic cliffs and new stars no human from this earth has ever seen before
SOUTHERN RING NEBULA — Now you can see the actual star that produces the Eight Burst Nebula
SMACS 0723 — It’s 5 billion light-years away these galaxies that look stretched and pulled, kind of like they’ve been magnified — because they’ve been magnified by the gravity of the cluster just like Einstein said they would.
OUR UFO — James Webb’s mirror. It’s 6.25 times larger than Hubble’s own lens, allowing it to collect even more light. As a result, James Webb can see celestial objects up to 100 times fainter than Hubble can see, according to NASA
Unlike Hubble, the James Webb Telescope isn’t orbiting Earth. Instead, the telescope was launched into space back in December and took a one-month journey to reach its intended orbit around the Sun nearly one million miles away from our planet.
Who Was the Telescope Named After? The telescope’s namesake comes from James E. Webb, a career US government official who served as the second appointed administrator for NASA from 1961 to 1968