Who had an answer to every problem 26 years ago before ChatGTP?

Kain Sosa Sr.
3 min readJun 20, 2023


Ask Jeeves

The first real AI assistant was named “Jeeves,” all you had to do was “Ask” him a question.

The Evolution of AI Conversations: From Ask Jeeves to ChatGPT

In artificial intelligence, one element remains clear: the journey is as important as the destination. A milestone in that journey was the introduction of Ask Jeeves, a pioneer in interactive search engines, launched in 1996. This natural language processing marvel has profoundly impacted the AI landscape, shaping the technology we know and love today, including the impressive ChatGPT.

Innovation in Language Processing: Ask Jeeves to ChatGPT

Ask Jeeves was a trailblazer, making the search experience more human-like, accepting questions instead of simple keywords. Users could type in questions like, “What’s the weather like in San Francisco?” or “Who won the 1996 World Series?” the search engine would attempt to provide a direct answer. It was innovative as it was one of the earliest attempts to use natural language processing in a search engine. It marked an early foray into the potential of AI for more organic, conversation-like interactions. Today, ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, embodies the evolution of this ambition. Not just answering questions but conducting detailed, context-aware conversations, ChatGPT represents a new era of interactive AI.

The AI Evolution: Challenges and Opportunities

The evolution from Ask Jeeves to ChatGPT has not been without challenges. The journey has seen massive technological shifts, from simple algorithms and human-curated answers to advanced transformer-based neural networks. But these challenges also bring opportunities, offering new ways for AI to understand, interact, and engage with users.

As we integrate AI deeper into our lives and businesses, we must explore its impact. How will it change our workforce? How do we ensure humanity in our interactions, even when conversing with AI? Are you talking to AI Agent versus a Human? How will this change relationships with humans?

Join the Conversation

We invite you to join us in this exciting conversation. Let’s explore the impact of AI, not just in the tech industry, but also its influence on fledgling startups and established entities. How do you envision the role of ChatGPT and other advanced AI models in your business or industry? We’re eager to hear your insights.

Please share your thoughts in the comments section or on social media. Together, let’s explore the AI-driven revolution in our daily communications. This Tuesday, June 2oth, 2023, let’s embrace the future that is already two decades in progress. Interestingly, Ask Jeeves was born in the cognitive science lab at UCSD under the guidance of my mentor, the esteemed Dr. Elizabeth Bates.

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